Jordanian Embassies and Consulates in your home country:
Canada – Ottawa
Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
100 Bronson Ave. Suite 701
Ottawa Canada K1R 6G8
Phone: +1-613-2388090
Fax: +1-613-2323341
Website: http://www.embassyofjordan.ca/
France – Paris
Ambassade de Jordanie en France
80 Boulevard Maurice Barrès, Neuilly
Paris France 92200
Phone: +33-1-55620000
Fax: +33-1-55620006
Germany – Berlin
Jordanische Botschaft
Heerstrasse 201
D-13595 Berlin
Phone: + 49-30- 36 99 600 Operator
+ 49-30- 36 99 60 43 Visas
Fax: + 49-30- 36 99 60 11
Great Britain – London (also responsible for Ireland)
The Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,
6 Upper Phillimore Gardens,
London, W8 7HA
Telephone: 0207 937 3685
Facsimile: 0207 937 8795
Email: london@fm.gov.jo
Website: www.jordanembassyuk.org
Ireland (please see The Embassy of Jordan in London)
Spain – Madrid
Embajada del Reino Hachemita de Jordania
Pº General Martínez Campos, 41
C.P. 28010
Madrid, España
Telephone: 913191100
Fax: 913082536
E-mail: CONSULAR@telefonica.net
Website: http:/www.embjordaniaes.org
United States – Washington, D.C.
Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
3504 International Drive, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Telephone number: (202) 966 - 2664
Fax number: (202) 966 - 3110
E-mail: HKJEmbassyDC@jordanembassyus.org
Website: www.jordanembassy.us.org
43, Road 1901
PO Box 5242
319 Manama Bahrain
Phone: +973-291109
Fax: +973-291980
6 Al Juhaini Street- Al Duqqi
Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +20-2-7499912
Fax: +20-2-7601027
Al Andalus District, Mahla 617, Ziqaq 49, House 145
PO Box 6314
Baghdad Iraq
Phone: +964-1-5429065
Fax: +964-1-5412009
Babda/ Elias Al Hilo
PO Box 5113
109 Beirut, Lebanon
Phone: +96-1-5922501
Fax: +96-1-5922502
Abdul Rahman Bin Ouf Street
PO Box 971
Tripoli Libya
Phone: +218-21-3614761
Fax: +218-21-3614762
Al Mantiqa Al Diplomaciya, Arab League Street
PO Box 70-130
Muscat Oman
Phone: +968-692760
Fax: +968-692762
Doha, Qatar
Tel: 974-832-202
Fax: 974-832-173
E-mail: jordan@qatar.net.qa
Website: www.jordanembassy.com.qa
Saudi Arabia
Embassy – Riyadh
Diplomatic Quarter
PO Box 94316
Riyadh 11693 Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-1-4880039
Fax: +966-1-4880072
Consulate – Jeddah
Hay Al Andalus, Mohammad Bin Abd el Aziz Street No. 59
PO Box 212411
Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-2-6607630
Fax: +966-2-6607674
Al Amarat, Street 33, No. 13, Square 11
PO Box 1379
Khartoum Sudan
Phone: +249-11-483125
Fax: +249-11-471038
Abu Rumana, Al Jala'a Street
PO Box 33603
Damascus, Syria
Phone: +963-11-3339313
Fax: +963-11-3336741
10, Rue Echnitiki
Mutuelleville - Tunis
Tel.: +216-1-785-829/780-875
Fax.: +216-1-786-461
E-mail: emb.jordan@planet.tn
Website: www.jordan-embassy.intl.tn/
United Arab Emirates – Abu Dhabi
Al Hay Al Diplomacy/ Airport Road
PO Box 4024
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +971-2-4447100
Fax: +971-2-4449157
Email: embjoad@emirates.net.ae