The Imaging & Radiology Unit at Istishari supports medical diagnosis, treatment, and surgery in all of Istishari’s units. Our outstanding team of 5 doctors and 10 expert technicians provides a full range of conventional and interventional radiology including stents, biopsies, and angioplasty.
The Radiology Unit provides mobile units for all floors at Istishari, including a bedside ultrasound. Our mobile and stationary units include:
Our virtual bronchoscope allows our doctors to see inside patients’ organs at a sub-millimeter level, permitting advanced pathology detection.
Dry digital X-ray systems remove chemicals from the X-ray development process, increasing accuracy, and reducing the amount of radiation patients are exposed to.
The Radiology Unit is the first department at Istishari to become fully digital, leading the way to Istishari’s goal of establishing a completely digital information system.
Radiology Services include: